Yarri Project
Solstice is focusing its exploration activity across its gold targets within the Yarri Project extending over more than 120km strike of prime gold exploration terrain straddling the Keith-Kilkenny Tectonic Zone (KKTZ) and the Laverton Tectonic Zone (LTZ), both craton-scale structural features known to control gold mineralisation in the Eastern Goldfields. The strategy is to test new ‘stand-alone scale’ gold targets in gold endowed greenstone belts – particularly where shallow (<40m) transported soil cover has prevented effective historical exploration. Solstice is in an excellent cash position to search for new commercial gold systems in the Yarri area, utilising a comprehensive regional database and a belt-scale regional tenement footprint. The landholding is continually reviewed as targets evolve, with the Company making strategic Licence acquisitions where it sees under-explored gold potential, and divestments as opportunities present.

Statesman Well Prospect
This Prospect is marked by a 1km trend of small gold workings in quartz veined banded iron formation and lies within 20km of Northern Star’s Porphyry Mining Centre, and close to existing haul road infrastructure. Historical shallow RC drilling in several locations along the trend outline a zone of continuous gold anomalism (>0.20g/t Au) of significant width, that hosts multiple commercial grade gold intercepts including 22m @ 1.14g/t Au, 10m @ 2.04g/t Au, 10m @ 1.63g/t Au, 13m @ 1.28g/t Au, 9m @ 1.90g/t Au, 24m @ 0.81g/t Au, and 20m @ 0.73g/t Au.
A heritage survey over the Statesman Well mineralised trend undertaken in late 2024 has cleared this Prospect for RC drilling, allowing it to be drilled in 2025 alongside the Company’s other advanced gold prospects
Bunjarra Licence
Bunjarra lies in a compelling geological setting approximately 70km northwest of Northern Star’s (ASX: NST) Porphyry mining centre, 20km southeast of Saturn Metals’ (ASX: STN) Apollo Hill gold deposit and along strike from a significant competitor gold drill-out to the south.
The Licence is covered by a blanket of shallow transported alluvial material that has limited the effectiveness of previous exploration. Aircore drilling has continued to build a picture of widespread gold anomalism in the weathering profile at this Prospect. Several anomalous trends have emerged, each extending over at least a kilometre and combined, highlight the potential to discover valuable mineralised structures in the underlying fresh-rock profile.
Significant composite results include 5m @ 1.58g/t Au in BJWAC074, 5m @ 1.33g/t Au in BJWAC083, 10m @ 0.43g/t Au in BJWAC104, 10m @ 0.14g/t Au EOH in BJWAC099, and 20m @ 0.17g/t Au in BJWAC115. Solstice’s aircore drilling programs at Bunjarra have progressed the Project toward a first-ever RC drilling program.
Bluetooth Prospect
Bluetooth is located within 9km of haul road infrastructure, approximately 35km north of the Porphyry mining centre, and 40km southwest of AngloGold Ashanti’s Sunrise Dam gold deposit. The Prospect is one of Solstice’s advanced gold exploration targets, with gold prospectivity demonstrated by strong rock-chip and soil sampling gold geochemistry and promising intercepts in widely spaced shallow historical Rotary Air Blast (RAB), aircore and RC drilling.
Solstice’s first-stage RC drilling completed in December 2024 comprised 19 shallow RC holes for 1,830m in a first-pass pattern covering 900m of strike. The program returned strong gold intercepts in composite sampling, including a standout intercept of 36m @ 1.55g/t Au in BTHRC016 plus 16m @ 1.85g/t Au in BTHRC013, 12m @ 1.18g/t Au in BTHRC014, 8m @ 1.07g/t Au in BTHRC001, 4m @ 1.62g/t Au in BTHRC019 and 4m @ 1.34g/t Au in BTHRC017.
Gold mineralisation reports to gently east-dipping chert, ironstone and quartz veining in the oxidised profile, and confirms and upgrades historical intercepts recorded in shallow drilling at the Prospect, including 12m @ 1.31g/t Au to end of hole (EOH), 15m @ 0.95g/t Au, 8m @ 1.66g/t Au and 2m @ 5.07g/t Au to EOH.
Edjudina Range
A first pass aircore drilling program was completed within the Edjudina Range tenement in late 2024. This was followed up with infill drilling around low-level >0.10g/t Au gold anomalism on a reconnaissance drill traverse which strongly upgraded this target. Drillhole EDRAC027 returned an intercept of 6m @ 1.88g/t Au, including ending in quartz vein material grading 1m @ 2.98g/t Au from 45m.
The Prospect is an excellent example of an early hit into completely unexplored but prospective geology and is supported by gold anomalism in adjacent holes.
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